
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Back Home

"I don't want to go home," this pre-schooler told me as I was managing his class in the auditorium during the Chinese New Year concert yesterday. "I like school." Together with his classmates, they had just performed an item for the concert and it was a blast to see how these 5-year-olds threw energetic punches and powerful kicks on stage all on their own. It was amazing because they were so chatty and active prior to the performance and had a little problem getting them to settle down. Maybe it is my ever-growing maternal instinct as I told D of these adorable kids, how cute they were on stage and off; their innocence and eloquence. I was extremely impressed with another pre-schooler, who told me after receiving her 2 chocolates that she would not eat them but share with the rest of her family. She had the widest dimpled smile and I saw innocence and pure kindness. Told D that I so wanted to take her home with me. Gee, hope our children will be like that and that we will be good parents. I am back in S'pore for the Chinese New Year for about a week and it's good to be back home, although I realise that I miss the cold weather in HK. It is just so hot and I think I may be breaking out in rashes soon. For the rest of the week, D and I will be catching up with friends and food that we don't normally have in HK. I am enjoying myself so far, particularly finding it amusing that I had just started work for a week but will be having a 2-week Chinese New Year break before returning to work again. No complaints here, but this is just excellent indeed. Sure hope that I will be able to get into the rhythm of work after all these breaks.


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