
Saturday, October 29, 2005

Mid-Term Break... Ending Soon...

This week has been quite a good week of rest and relaxation. We didn't go anywhere out of HK; D went to work each day while I basically enjoyed my stay at home. It's the 1-week school holiday that I have been waiting for, and it's been just great doing absolutely nothing...
Well actually, not nothing... I did do the following things:
1. Pack our bookshelf
2. Sort my 2 shelves of clothes and trash some to make space for new ones ;p
3. Played my new PSP game: Lumines (bought 2nd hand)
4. Set the Math Semestral Exam Paper (finished Section C: Story Problems, and still
doing Section B)
5. Completed 2 weeks' of Mental Sums powerpoint slides and did my Lesson Plans
6. Completed the PADI Advanced Diving Lesson
7. Watched Lost #201, #202, #203 (not that TV show, but this one is somewhat like
the Amazing Race)
8. Woke up each day not earlier than 12 noon ;p
I like this life so far, but reality beckons as Monday approaches... it's back to school again.
Today, we invited D's colleagues (the ones we usually hang out wif) and spouses over for dinner, which meant I had to cook to feed 7 people including D and I.
Menu included:
1. Bak Kut Teh
2. Stir-fry green lettuce
3. Teriyaki Chicken with mixed greens and mushrooms
4. Thai-Style Salmon
5. Eoki Mushroom Rolled Beef
6. Tiramisu
I love to cook... it's the cleaning up that I really dislike. However D had been quite a great help. At the moment, D is seated before me and dozing off on his Moby Dick, a beanbag "chair" that we bought from G.O.D. (Goods Of Desire, similar concept to S'pore's Barang Barang). I got myself a Moby Dee, slightly smaller than Moby Dick, but good enuf to slouch before the TV or to do my work.
Talking about work, I was supposed to continue with setitng the darn Math Exam paper. I reckon it will wait till tomorrow.


Blogger Kirubakaran A said...

Hey. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

10/30/2005 03:12:00 AM  

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