
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Of Spiderman And Clumsy Gecko - Episode 2

Sigh, D & I didn't wear our new climbing shoes today as Ah John/Jun said that we would not be climbing much for this lesson. So I was in my other Nikes (better fit) while D was in his Zara suedes.
We started the 2nd lesson with simple stretching exercises, and later some simple climbing. I couldn't seem to get my Figure 8 knot to look like one at first, and D tried to help me but was shushed by Ah John/Jun.
After the simple stuff, we were introduced to some Belay devices namely the carabiners, Figure of 8 and ATC.
During this time, we had to huddle close together as the walls were getting crowded as lots of climbers practised their techniques for the coming competition. Most were guys and just 2-3 girls.
Later, D commented that none of the female climbers was cute-looking (Am I included in that group?!?) and didn't belay any guys.
Found out what those markings and numbers mean on the mountaineering/sports climbing carabiners: "KN 28" means the carabiner can support the force of up to 28 kilo-newtons; "<--> 7" means a horizontal force of up to 7 KN and a symbol that looks like the letter "G" followed by "8" means if the carabiner is not screwed properly, it can only support a force of 8 KN.
Next, Ah John/Jun demostrated the proper Belay technique a couple of times before we tried it. I paired up with the other girl (Name: Alison; used to stay in NZ for 10 yrs before returning to work in HK as a property consultant) and took turns to belay and climb. The same goes for D and the other guy (Name: Jeffrey; the rest unknown).
Well, at first it was quite tough to trust a stranger who is holding the rope that will prevent you from crashing onto the ground. Alison and I took awhile to get used to the Belay technique and also to one another. The last time I belayed her, Alison told me that she felt safe and I guess, that was a compliment.
Can't wait for the 3rd session this coming Saturday. I was glad that D managed to make it for the lesson last evening ... answered prayers.
Before we left, Ah John/Jun had said that exciting things will be coming our way on Saturday... hmmm, I wonder what. Sounds ominous.
D is currently hesitant about me belaying him, as he feels that being the clumsy one in this family, I may not react quick enough if he does slip off the wall. Aren't we suppose to trust each other, for better and for worse? Sigh...


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