Thank You Teachers Dinner (TYTD) "Hats Off..."
Two nights ago, we had our annual staff dinner (organised by a core group of parents) at the usual venue, Aberdeen Marina. As part of this year's theme, all of us have to put on some kind of headgear. Well, I have my Ozzie hat that I bought last year at the Blue Mountains, so it was put into some use for such an occasion.
I dunno about the rest of my colleagues, but having to attend a dinner (a compulsory event since it has been put across to us that the dinner is in our honour) after a day's work does take some effort, especially since I am tired and that there are other things I could do on a Friday night. Anyway, it's a duty we have to fulfil, and I suppose I could find some fun out of this... besides there is the lucky draw which I never do win anything but I am happy that my colleague, who sat at our table, won the 1st prize (a Sony Ericsson PDA phone).

Just like any other staff dinners I have attended all these years, it seems to me that it is usually the parents who perhaps use these events to find reasons to buy new outfits, put on the latest styles and shiny bling blings, engage in small talk or widen their network. 

The food was ok, it's a buffet but the long queues did put me off. The live band was alright, but the sound sux big time mainly 'cos we were seated at an awkward angle out of the speakers' range. The company was great at my table, and the entertainment, especially the "Super Supremes" was a blast.
After the dinner, we had about 6 to 8 songs for a "Lansing" (dancing) session, which kind of make the night more enjoyable. We must be really desperate to dance 'cos the band wasn't exactly very good, but we cheered, clapped and danced nonetheless.

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