Even though the weather was crappy unlike last year, rain kept falling and the sky was grey and overcast, Team Rainbow Warriors shone and performed loads better than last year. As usual, our team has only about 7 men whilst the rest are girls. Nonetheless, we not just better our timings this year (compare 2min 40-something sec in 2005 and an average of 2 min 25 sec this year) over a distance of 430m, but most importantly, we actually qualified for the Finals.
D was one of the 2 leaders in the mixed team, and he had tried to squirm his way out of this 'cos it is very tough to be right in front and setting the pace for the rest of the team during the race. Just like D, I was doing the same thing for the ladies' team. It was a back-breaking effort, everyone's arms were used to the limit but we had a blast. The team spirit was present on that day and it was just a great and meaningful way to spend the public holiday actually.
Three major highlights for that day are: 1. Our best effort: 2nd Mixed Race Heats
In fact, we started off remarkably fast and was second for the first 300m, but couldn't keep up ('cos other teams were made up of mainly men and the minimum no. of girls, which is 7, while ours was the opposite) and had to settle for 3rd. In fact, we tied for 3rd place with a Disney team, and had a nail-biting time waiting for the results.
2. The start of the Ladies Race followed immediately after our Mixed Team Finals. When I say "immediately", it basically means that once we got off our boat, the marshall hustled us back to another boat to start the Ladies Race. On hindsight, we could have protested, that it wasn't fair; we would be at a major disadvantage having just completed one race, giving our maximum effort for the earlier race, and seconds later had to prepare our minds and bodies for another. But we didn't do it, afterall it was for fun that we joined this. D, who was our little drummer boy for the Ladies Team, said that we had nothing more to give. I reckon we could have done much better, in terms of timings, if we had a short break before the race.
3. TVB Actors
A few of us spotted 3 TVB actors (I recognised all of them, but only know one of them by his name, Galen Lo) seated somewhere near the toilets/changing rooms. Dunno why they were seated at such a "strategic position", but anyway, we took some photos with them. Thanks to one of my colleagues and fellow Rainbow Warrior, who took the initiative to ask them 'cos some of us were too shy ;p
Celebratory Toasts - D & I were asked by our team Captain to do the honours, but I had trouble with the cork.
Our Team Captain, Ms Rainbow Warrior, Twiggy Chan
After she was dunked by D and some other guys.
Chilling out on the beach after the 1st race, still fresh...
Me and my co-leader Ah Ying (Ladies Team)
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