Love Universal
This scene held my attention and broke my heart as Ennis looked at the shirts with pain & regret over the things he could have.
Never has small little things, unspoken things say so much.
Even though the movie Brokeback Mountain is about gay relationships, the parallels are there: the happiness, the pain, the dreams and all those conflicting and sometimes unexplained emotions... Love is love whichever way you look at it, whoever you share with.
D didn't watch the show with me 'cos it's not his kinda show (not action-packed enuf), but I have been telling him about the show, analysing the various scenes out loud to him. At least he listens and asks about it.
I am never going to look at shirts in the usual way again. I am quite a sucker for these kinda emotion-driven movies - prior to Brokeback, English Patient was the other one that got me thinking deeply. It's not always that such good movies are made... kudos to Ang Lee.
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