
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Teaching Vs Prison

This is just in case you ever got the two mixed up. This should make misconceptions a bit clearer. IN PRISON: You spend the majority of your time in a room with one other person who doesn't want to cooperate. AT SCHOOL: You spend the majority of the time in a room with 20-30 children who don't want to cooperate. IN PRISON: You get three free hot meals a day. AT SCHOOL: You only get one meal, you pay for it and you get to wait in line for the microwave to heat it, so you can have about 3 1/2 minutes left to eat it. IN PRISON: You get time off for good behavior. AT SCHOOL: You get more work for good behavior. IN PRISON: The guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you. AT SCHOOL: You must open all the doors for yourself while balancing all the papers you took home to grade. IN PRISON: You can watch TV and play games. AT SCHOOL: You get fired for watching TV and playing games. IN PRISON: You get your own toilet. AT SCHOOL: You have to share your bathroom with some idiot who tinkles on the seat. IN PRISON: They allow your family and friends to visit. AT SCHOOL: You can't even speak to your family on the phone because you are usually too busy taking care of someone else's family. IN PRISON: The taxpayers pay all expenses with no work required. AT SCHOOL: You get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners. IN PRISON: You must deal with sadistic wardens. AT SCHOOL: They are called administrators :)
*Got this from a fellow teacher-friend... laughed my head off ;) Good one.*


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